Neighborhood Crime Watch

What is the Neighborhood Crime Watch?

Neighborhood Crime Watch operates under 2 principles:
Know your Neighbors and Report Suspicious Activity

The basic idea is for neighbors to watch out for each other. By looking after a neighbor’s property as if it were your own, you will more likely contact the police if you observe something suspicious. Citizens act as extra “eyes and ears” for the police department so that calls to the police will be made when criminal activity is suspected.

An alert and cooperative neighborhood is the greatest single defense against crime. By getting to know your neighbors and their vehicles, you will most likely be alert to suspicious people, vehicles, and/or sounds that could indicate criminal activity.

As a Crime Watch Neighbor, your responsibilities are:

  • To be a good neighbor by watching out for one another’s property and by reporting suspicious activity to the police.
  • You should know the three (3) neighbors across the street from your home, on each side, and the three (3) neighbors behind your residence.
  • YOU should have a heightened awareness for your neighbor’s welfare and you should be more than willing to report suspicious activity to the police. Citizens can be assured that when they report suspicious activity, their name will be held in strictest confidence.

Here is a helpful guide and video on deterring residential burglaries Guide to Deter Residential Burglary

One Response to Neighborhood Crime Watch

  1. William N Burgos says:

    Why is Security allowing people to go through without calling the residents? On 6/29 between 5 p.m. and 5.30 p.m a couple arrived at my home and I never received a call? It is happening quite often.

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